Thursday, August 30, 2012

Happy One Month!

The kittens turn one month old today. Actually, as of right now, Baby will turn one month in about 15 minutes. They have outgrown the kitty pool enclosure and have graduated to free roaming of the kitten room. Pearl is the most adventurous and is working on her stalking kills. Baby is close behind. Earl likes to hang out with the others and is usually found tussling with one or more of the black kittens. Chester is pretty mellow and likes to watch. Spot likes to either be playing hard or totally dozing. Their daily growth and progress amazes me!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Supervised romp session

Let them out of the pool this evening to roam a bit. They love hanging out under the chair and haven't gotten more than two or three feet from the pool.

Getting bigger

The kittens are getting bigger, and soon they won't be confined to the baby pool. I let them roam outside of the pool for about ten minutes this morning, but Birdie didn't seem to like that. Here is a picture of Birdie nursing:

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sunday playtime

The kittens are starting to play with one another. Even though they still aren't walking on all fours, at least not without alot of shaking, stopping and tipping over, they do know how to tussle with whoever is within reach.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Two weeks old

Tonight the kittens turn two weeks old. They get cuter every day, and I've loved watching them grow. Pearl weighs the least at 11.5 ounces, and Bubba Joe weighs the most at 13.0 ounces. Here are some photos of the gang, including one of Birdie, the mama.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

It's official

...the cute factor just got bumped up a level. And check out their new digs, a blanket-lined plastic pool so they don't travel too far.

Monday, August 13, 2012

11 Days Old

I hate writing about this, because I'm not sure I should worry, and because I seem to worry too much. I don't like feeling this way.

Today I was able to weigh the kittens. Weights ranged from 10 oz to 11 oz, which is a fairly large range (I think), and I worry that the smaller ones aren't getting the nourishment they need. There is such a thing as Fading Kitten Syndrome, which I really, really hope isn't affecting the smaller two, Pearl and Earl (also, coincidentally, the two non-black ones). The idea that I could lose either or both just kills me, and the mere thought of it makes me feel uneasy, helpless and just plain sad.

Tomorrow morning and afternoon (and probably evening), I will weigh each again, to make sure they are gaining weight, not losing it, and acting like the funny kittens that they are. Fingers crossed for these tiny things. Here are photos of the smaller two, taken after a special duo-feeding, sans their bigger siblings.

Earl (top) and Pearl, who is smallest at 10.1 oz (up 1 oz from noon):

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Surprise, surprise, they are still sleeping most of the day! Here's the gray stripey one, napping in the afternoon sun.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

One week old

Kittens are officially one week old tonight. Just cam from the kitten room, and all seem okay, although one or two do seem to have issues nursing. Birdie is very small, so her belly gets crowded with all of the kittens trying to nurse at once. I'm going to buy a scale this weekend so I can track weights. I really hope I don't have to intervene. Birdie is a good mama, just small.

Speaking of mama....

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A visitor for kittens

A good friend, Blythe, visited the kittens this evening. She also happened to bring with her the best pizza ever, the Campfire from Puccini's. But more importantly, she got to hold the kitten that looks an awful lot like her cat, Earl. So naturally I had to capture the moment!

Teeny tiny kitten face

Monday, August 6, 2012

Kittens' 4th day of life

Not really much to report other than they sleep and nurse and sometimes squeak. Here are some photos of them napping in the kitten cave: